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Many of the outlined assessments algin with Do activities because they give the learner a chance to practice a skill. The few that do not fit with the Do activities fit under Connect activities because they require the learner to compose an original statment or piece of writing based on the newly acquired knowledge. Examples of the Connect type assessments are the performance based assessments and composition based assessments. 


Purpose of Feedback

The feedback for the assessment is meant to avoid misconceptions in the learning process (Horton, E-Learning By Design, 2nd Edition, pg. 267, 2011). 


Example of Assessment

An example of an assessment is below in "Assessment Example" section. The assessment is comprehensive for the purposes of presenting it on this site.


Sequence of Completion

It is preferable that the assessment be completed in separate parts at the time the learner completes the corresponding Absorb-Do-Connect activities. The alignment chart outlines the flow of the activity completion sequence.


Self-Paced, Non-Sequential Module Completion

In addition, since this will be a self-paced training the learners can choose between different modules to do in their preferred order. Just as Credly badge modules can be completed out of order, as in the UDL badge, these modules may be completed out of order-- further explaining why the assessment questions will be presented with the corresponding learning activities. 



More Details
Overview of Assessments and Assessment Methods


Assessments for this employee orientation will involve mostly comprehension and application quiz questions, a few compositions,  and performance based assessments.


Quiz quesitons will include: 

  • multiple choice

  • choose multiple

  • case study true/false

  • matching

  • rating scale questions

  • fill-in the blank


Composition styles include:

  • journal entry

  • outcome prediction


Performance based assessments require the learner to:

  • correctly use an online timecard form

  • correctly access certain company files on a common hard drive

Assessment Example


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