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LC, Inc. Employee Orientation Overview

LC is a research multimedia company of 40 employees aimed to stay current on multimedia technology for consulting purposes.



Currently, orientation is delivered in a 3-ring binder as a collection of printed documents. These documents include policies, benefits, personnel structure, and other company cultural norms that all employees must know and follow. After an employee reads through the binder, there is a meeting with the company owner to repeat the information in the book and highlight especially important policies and benefits.


New Design of Orientation (Executive Summary)

The current binder process can be greatly improved by redesigning the orientation to be delivered by mixed method through a self-paced online course at employees' desks followed by a scheduled debriefing with supervisor or owner to answer questions or expand on especially relevant information to the learners’ particular positions year round. 


General Learner Characteristics

●     All Genders

●     22-50+ years of age

●     Diverse in ethnicity, age, expectations, and work experience

●     Hold associates’ or bachelors’ degrees

●     High proficiency in using both mac and pc computers

●     Maintain at least a basic understanding of multimedia development and industry standards

●     Likely to have previous work experience

●     Likely highly motivated to learn and maintain a positive attitude

●     Programmers, Designers, IT Personnel, Researchers, Assistants, Coordinators, Human Resource Personnel, Accountants


Secondary Audience

Secondary to new employees, current employees may use the orientation to refresh their knowledge of company policies, assign the orientation as refresh for team members, and use as a consequence of misconduct regarding policies. Learners with disabilities are expected to still be able to complete this program. It is a requirement for all current positions to work at a desk with a computer. The company has financial and technological flexibility to adapt to disabilities of capable workers. The transferability of the learned knowledge is likely applicable to other office environments. Opportunities to use the learned information will be present throughout employment. LC has an open office environment in which asking questions is principal to success. The method used for determining the need for the instruction will be informal interviews and conversations about the new employee experience at KB with current employees at all job levels hired within the last 3 years.

Design for Learners

As outlined in the "General Learner Characteristics" section, learners are most likely to be quite diverse in ethnicity, age, expectations, and work experience. The mixed methods design provides all types of learners a chance to explore topics to the level they need that allows them to understand LC's company culture, policies, benefits, and general operations. It is important to provide a comfortable learning space for those that are nervous about their first job and those that have many years of work experience and have been exposed to this information for many years. The mixed method between online delivery of information and face-to-face interaction can provide enough exposure to the information and the company to increase comfort.




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